Friday, May 02, 2008

Xobni outlook add-in for your inbox

Xobni is a very powerful Outlook add-on that let's improves productivity of the Outlook tool by a factor of 10!

I get over 300 emails in a typical day and most of the workflow management at my company is done via emails. Till now, I'd find myself cataloguing old emails into folders to help with later searches. Xobni changes all that!

If you think about how your mind remembers any topic, you first recall who you'd received an email on that subject from, then you want to remember when that email might have been sent, then in the current Outlook regime, you'd sort the emails by sender's name and try to search for the time window within it.

With the Xobni add-on, you can click on any sender in your inbox, and the entire conversation list from that sender will appear on the right hand column along with sender's contact information, his/her overlapping network contacts (with yours), and any attachments you might have received in any of the prior conversation threads from that sender. Just about every thing you may have needed when you tried to recall that name.

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